The Glow Up - How To Spark a Summer Romance with Yourself

The Glow Up: How To Spark a Summer Romance with Yourself

Glow up (def) – An incredible transformation.

The glow up has become an aspirational state of being; an upgrade so to speak in one’s style, beauty routine, and life. We’ve always viewed the glow up as an incredible period of growing and learning to love yourself fully. When you fully glow up, you create a life you love and remove all negative energies that could steal your “glow”.

The glow up requires some letting go of old habits, so that you can truly flourish. It means taking charge of your life, and doing the things that most honor who you are mind, body, and spirit. Today we are challenging you to embrace a summer romancing yourself and pursuing your own glow.

Here are a few ways to embrace the glow up and spark a romance with yourself this summer:

Learn to Surrender

We know you’re a wonder woman, your ability to face every challenge is truly awe inspiring. But girl it’s ok to lose the cape every once and awhile. Surrender to the moment; stop trying to save everyone and solve every problem. It’s ok to take time off to focus on you, rebuilding your strength and reconnecting with your inner-self. Your light can’t shine bright if it’s burned out. Reclaim your light and your glow.

Do More of What Makes You Feel Good

Whether it’s simply sipping tea on the porch on a beautiful summer day, or a full on pamper session at your favorite salon, whatever makes you feel good do more of it. Joy is an essential element of the glow up. Just like happiness is an inside job, so is its’ sister joy. To increase your joy, do the things that make you wildly and unabashedly happy. Embrace each experience and savor the sweet freedom of doing what makes you feel good. Summer is the perfect season to try new things and indulge in all the things that you love.

Upgrade Your Look

If you’ve been feeling stuck in a rut, sometimes all you need is a change up in the style department. This change can be subtle like wearing more color, or dramatic like a head to toe total style makeover haircut and all. Whatever, makes you feel your most vibrant do it. As the saying goes, when you look good you feel good. A style refresh can be just what you need to find your sparkle.

Beauty Inside and Out

Drink more water, eat healthy, exercise and practice self-care. Health is an important component of the glow up, if not the most important element. It doesn’t matter what you look like on the outside, if your insides are a mess. Get your organic glow jumping by staying hydrating, moving your body, fueling with the right foods, and managing stress. Summer is a good time to recommit to healthy habits and routines.

Get Outside

The beach is calling, get out there and soak up that sun (use sunscreen of course). Get yourself the perfect glow courtesy of Mother Nature. If you can’t make it to the beach, take a walk around your neighborhood – really any time spent outside will be beneficial. Get some fresh air, move your body, release your anxiety. Do something that helps you reconnect with nature, it will give you the boost you need to fall in love with life again.

Your Body Your Rules

Loving yourself and being confident in who you are is another requirement of the glow up. Embrace your curves, put on your flyest swimsuit and enjoy yourself. Don’t be hemmed in by rules. Wear the colors that make you feel the most vibrant. Test the waters and try on something you’ve been afraid to wear before. Whatever you do have fun celebrating the body you’re in. It’s really hard to love your life if you can’t first love yourself.


Sometimes you have to disconnect in order to reclaim your glow. The devices we are connected to 24/7 affect us in more ways than we know. Schedule some you time, and go offline; no phone, no email, no computer – completely unplug. Instead take your time offline to journal, take a walk, or enjoy a long bath. Disconnect to reconnect. Time away will help you gain clarity, focus and a new appreciation for your life.

It may be cliche, but we enjoy chilling poolside in the summer with a juicy romance novel. Girl bosses need a day off too. Escaping into a good fiction book can be the best experience. Books are a great way to unplug and spend time with yourself. 

Reclaim Your Time

Time is one the most precious resources we have. In our often over scheduled lives it can be hard to prioritize time to just be. Running from appointment to appointment, and hustling 24/7 can wear you down. It’s important that you carve time out that allows you the space to relax and reset. It’s also important to set boundaries and guard your time from being squandered and sucked into activities that don’t further your goals. Being sleep deprived is not a good look, and it certainly won’t help you achieve that coveted glow up.

Pursue a Passion Project

When we are fully operating in our purpose, and doing the things we are passionate about that is when the glow up has reached its fullest potential. Passion is the fuel that lights the fire of creativity. The summer is the perfect time to pursue a passion project. A passion project could be something small like redecorating your home, or launching a business that has been on your mind to start. Whatever your heart is calling you to do, you should pursue it.

The summer is the perfect time to fall completely in love with yourself again and simply enjoy life. Grab our free Glow Up Guide for Self-love, Inner Peace & Joy for even more tips on how to achieve your glow up.

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